Funny Pictures
I just had to share a couple of recent pictures of our babes.

Our Niece Dani (the babes call her DD) and Ana hung out for a little bit on Sunday and they took some really cute pictures.

This is Ana's kiss face :)

This year we went to the Fort Worth Stock Show twice! The 2nd time through we went to the exhibit hall and Aiden had to have a red cowboy hat. He LOVES it. Sister also had to have a pink one, but she wouldn't stand still long enough for a picture.

Last weekend Dada took the kiddos to the mall to play at the playground and ride the carousel, while Mama held the couch down at home. :) Sometimes, superwoman needs a day off.
Our Niece Dani (the babes call her DD) and Ana hung out for a little bit on Sunday and they took some really cute pictures.
This is Ana's kiss face :)
This is her mean face. We see this face a lot.
This year we went to the Fort Worth Stock Show twice! The 2nd time through we went to the exhibit hall and Aiden had to have a red cowboy hat. He LOVES it. Sister also had to have a pink one, but she wouldn't stand still long enough for a picture.
Hope you have a great week!!