Santa's Coming

So, I have found the most wonderful thing for misbehaving children. When Aiden's throwing a fit or doing something bad I tell him, "Santa's watching you and he won't bring you Geotrax." His behavior completely changes.

I was talking to our neighbor about this during the weekend. We think we've come up with a solution to pull this through the whole year....

January -
February - Saint Valentine is watching...
March - The Leprechaun is watching...(Although if you've seen those creepy movies that might be kinda scary ) so maybe Saint Patrick
April - Easter Bunny
May - The Memorial Day soldier is watching...
June -
July - Uncle Sam is watching...
August -
September - The labor day frog? Hum, labor day really needs a mascot.
October - The pumpkin? The Halloween fairy? Christopher Columbus?
November - The turkey? Hum... I guess I could use threats on his birthday or near the end Santa could step in again.
December - Back to Santa again

So, if you come up with any other's, just let me know; I could really use them!


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