What we are Thankful For...

I wish we could ask Aiden what he is thankful for this year. Lately, if he doesn't know what you are asking he just looks at you and says "Huh?" Explaining stuff to him still doesn't work yet.

I think that if we asked him he would say, Henry, Pizza, Mamas (His morning oatmeal smoothie), and Outside, or something to that effect.

But, I just have to say that there is much more in his world that he doesn't yet know he's thankful for.

He is definitely a healthy boy, even with all the clumsiness, bumps and bruises.

He is definitely loved. There are too many people to list. We are truely blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives that honestly care and love us and Aiden. From grandparents, to aunts and uncles, to friends (who are like aunts and uncles to Aiden), brothers and sisters, and all of our chosen family! We are sooooo thankful to have you in our lives.


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