Trouble or Attention
Aiden's been acting out a little, or a lot however you want to see it. Usually, after cleaning up a mess I think he's acting out, then after a couple days, I think maybe it's just him being a boy.
There have been lots of messes we have cleaned up in his room lately. You leave him for 5-10 minutes to get something done around the house and go back to check on him and...
Saturday am - fish tank rocks ALL Over his room (Fish were ok)
Saturday afternoon - popcorn
Monday afternoon - Coffee he pulled out of the trash in the pantry
Monday pm - Paprika and Sage
So out of 4 things 3 came from him getting into the pantry and pulling stuff into his room. So, just as soon as I can I'm getting one of those hotel locks for the pantry and the front door.
We did this a while back on the garage door b/c he was going out the laundry room door, opening the garage and heading down the driveway. :) Lovely. Now he can unlock the front door and open the door, NOT GOOD.
He's also constantly in the fridge. You would think that we never feed the poor kid. He really eats like a bird all day, like his Nana. But, he just goes into the pantry or fridge and gets whatever he would like and heads to his room to eat it or spread it around. It's greatness.
Shortly after getting Ana home he got into our room and made a huge mess. (I think I have written about that already, but I can't remember, I need more sleep, hehe)
Each time we have him help us clean up the mess and tell him what he did that wasn't a good thing. But, goodness, we have to put a stop to it. As much as I love cleaning up messes, I've had a little much.
So, just in case it's an attention thing I've been trying to spend more time with him. Today we had a "mommy and me" day. He was supposed to get a flu shot at the doctor's office, but they were out so then I spent another 3 hours trying to figure out where to get a flu shot, everyone is either out of them or they won't give them to almost 3 year olds. So, we ate lunch with Daddy, went to the mall, and drove around town.
Tomorrow morning we get to stand in line at the Tarrant County Health Department line to get a flu shot for Aiden. Wish us luck, because I'm sure it will be lots of fun.
There have been lots of messes we have cleaned up in his room lately. You leave him for 5-10 minutes to get something done around the house and go back to check on him and...
Saturday am - fish tank rocks ALL Over his room (Fish were ok)
Saturday afternoon - popcorn
Monday afternoon - Coffee he pulled out of the trash in the pantry
Monday pm - Paprika and Sage
So out of 4 things 3 came from him getting into the pantry and pulling stuff into his room. So, just as soon as I can I'm getting one of those hotel locks for the pantry and the front door.
We did this a while back on the garage door b/c he was going out the laundry room door, opening the garage and heading down the driveway. :) Lovely. Now he can unlock the front door and open the door, NOT GOOD.
He's also constantly in the fridge. You would think that we never feed the poor kid. He really eats like a bird all day, like his Nana. But, he just goes into the pantry or fridge and gets whatever he would like and heads to his room to eat it or spread it around. It's greatness.
Shortly after getting Ana home he got into our room and made a huge mess. (I think I have written about that already, but I can't remember, I need more sleep, hehe)
Each time we have him help us clean up the mess and tell him what he did that wasn't a good thing. But, goodness, we have to put a stop to it. As much as I love cleaning up messes, I've had a little much.
So, just in case it's an attention thing I've been trying to spend more time with him. Today we had a "mommy and me" day. He was supposed to get a flu shot at the doctor's office, but they were out so then I spent another 3 hours trying to figure out where to get a flu shot, everyone is either out of them or they won't give them to almost 3 year olds. So, we ate lunch with Daddy, went to the mall, and drove around town.
Tomorrow morning we get to stand in line at the Tarrant County Health Department line to get a flu shot for Aiden. Wish us luck, because I'm sure it will be lots of fun.
I just wanted to encourage you about Aiden's, um, adjusting. I recognized some of those descriptions as familiar from my son. First his little brother was born on his 3rd birthday, we gave his dog to our neighbor, then we moved across the country. Sometimes I was so surprised and mystified about his behavior. Looking back, I can see that he was just trying to do the best he could without really being able to understand or express anything that was going on.
Talking about it, healthy boundaries, and lots of love will get y'all through it. He'll probably like new little sister more once she begins to smile and laugh at him.