Adventures on an Airplane...
It actually is a lot easier to fly with a child with 2 adults!!
Robert had a window seat and I had the middle seat and Aiden didn't bother the gentleman next to me at all.
He was really into looking out the window!
It was just a little hard to get all of our luggage (a stroller, a car seat, 2 big suitcases, and a folding bag) (oh yeah and a baby). But, it was a ton easier then doing it alone!!
I am especially glad that we get 2 days to do laundry and spend time with Robert before he leaves for Colorado on Monday.
All together we had a wonderful time. We will have to take Aiden back when he is older and can remember everything. It will be a fun trip for the future. I know that it will be really good to go once he is in school and learning about all the current events, government and history.
This trip is one item that I can mark off of my life list...Thanks to Robert and his AA miles!!
Love to all