Day 6...
Thursday we ventured out to Arlington Cemetery. We took a bus tour.
Here is Aiden with the Lee House
Here he in front of the Unknown Soldier's Grave

We watched the Changing of the Guard. It brought me to tears, don't ask why, it was just emotional. There were 2 Army Soldiers there watching the Changing of the Guard and Aiden talked to them for a little bit of time.
Then this is Aiden in front of the Vietnam section of the Cemetery.
Then he fell asleep and so I finished the Holocaust museum. He woke up about 3/4 of the way through but he was quiet so we finished it.
Here is Aiden at the Eternal Flame/JFK's grave
Here he is in front of the Children's Tile wall. Children painted tiles and they put them on a very large wall to help represent the lost generation of the Jewish community.

Then we went to Wendy's house for dinner! She made the best crab cakes ever. They were so good. We visited with her and her wonderful family and moved it home to pack and get ready for Adventures on an Airplane!!