Camp Rosales

If you were wondering where we have been for the past 5 days, we have been at Camp Rosales. Friday started the big weekend!! We had 28 campers this year!! WOW!!

It was a great weekend. It flowed a lot better then last year. Not as much down time for the campers, it ran well. Maybe, when we are doing this 20 years from now, we will finally get everything right!
We are going to try to expand Camp Rosales by another day next year. Also, I have grand dreams of doing a fall 1 day (6 hour) event with the campers. Watch us grow!!
Aiden stayed with Gran and Gigi. They had a great weekend together. Aiden even came out for a couple of hours to oversee and make sure that all activities were running occording to his plan. You know he will be running this by age 12!!

We were soooooo exhausted when we got home on Sunday. We had intermittent naps while chasing after a toddler!!
Yesterday, we got to sleep until 8:30am, that hasn't happened in a long time. We got all the Camp stuff together and took it back to storage. Thank God for storage so that stuff doesn't ahve to be in our garage. We finally ran all of our errands and got back home around 5:30pm. We ate a little dinner and then sat down to watch "Cars". About 30-45 minutes later Robert and I woke up!! We had both fallen asleep watching the movie, we were asleep until Nana and Aiden came back from there walk. We went to bed early and then it was off to work today.

We are hoping for a little more rest tonight, then maybe we will be a little more caught up on our sleep.


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