Moving and Grooving
We went shopping yesterday with Nini and PatPat. Got some new cool shoes Tennis shoes and some cool sandles. 
Good from running, climbing and running some more. You're jealous I know, you want some shoes just like his!!

After shopping for shoes we did a little clothes shopping and got some cool new duds for summer wear!!
After an afternoon nap we went to go and see EJ, Junior and Sharon. Mommy and baby were sleeping so we ate dinner with Junior, Kelly (Junior's sister) and Chris (Her boyfriend). Aiden loved Chris and climbed all over him and the couch.
It was a fast weekend!! Robert and I sat down last night after cleaning up a little, because we weren't really home this weekend to clean, and put together a new toy for Aiden. 

It is a radio flyer wagon. Great for outdoor trips!! We have been trying to walk every night, so this will be great for walking and we want to take Aiden to Mayfest this year. So it will be great for trips like that, too!! Thanks AJ and AP for the wagon, it wasn't too hard to put together!!