Mother's Day
Robert and I woke up at 7:00am on Sunday. Not b/c our toddler came and woke us up, we just were sooooo tired from the Garage Sale on Saturday that we went to bed early and then woke up early. Robert and I headed to the store to get breakfast stuff to make Nana waffles. (We picked up a couple other important things, like bubbles LOL really Aiden's bubble mower was out of bubbles and he asks us daily for bubbles so we bought a 2 quart container of bubbles.)
I got some flowers....Pretty huh, I love tulips.

I always ask for weird things for b-days, mother's days, etc. Last year I asked for a tree for the back yard. The week before Mother's Day we went to Mayfest and mom and I picked up 3 free trees (only one is still alive) so I got our side veggie garden instead. This year I asked for Hibiscus and Caladiums in the front yard. We are going to work on that this coming weekend.
We had a really restful morning and then cleaned house a little in the afternoon. I got to take a nap!! Robert's family came over last night to celebrate with Nana, it was good to have everyone together again, we hadn't done that in a little while. Then, off to bed. What more could you ask for...and it continues this next weekend!! :)