1st Day of Preschool
We woke up at 7:00 this morning to eat and get ready for Aiden's 1st day of preschool! Aiden at first didn't want to get dressed or anything, just wanted to watch his morning cartoons. So, I left him on the couch with a bowl of grapes and let him wake up a little more before I got him ready. Then, after about 20 minutes of waking up he was ready to go to school!!
We left the house at 8:00am thinking traffic might be a little bad and got to the school in 25 minutes. hehe, so then we took Aiden's things to his classroom and we played outside with him for 30 minutes until it was school time.
Patti and the kiddos showed up and we HAD! to get a picture of all of them together (minus Sydni who is in 1st grade and already at school)
I can't wait to hear all about it tonight!!!
We left the house at 8:00am thinking traffic might be a little bad and got to the school in 25 minutes. hehe, so then we took Aiden's things to his classroom and we played outside with him for 30 minutes until it was school time.

He did really well this morning until we had to drop him off in the play room, where they spend the 1st 15 minutes of the morning so that everyone can get to school. He doesn't like the whole nursery thing and it had a nursery feel, so he started crying and yelling "Mommy and Daddy", break my heart :( But, I'm sure after everyone was there and they headed to chapel and through the school day he did great. Rosie's in his class so he already has a best friend.
I can't wait to hear all about it tonight!!!