Here he is after a bath playing with the remote. It has been edited to be PG!
His new tricycle!! Usually he scoots it around the house, but he is trying to use the peddles.
Every morning when Aiden wakes up we bring him to our bed to hang out and then watch cartoons. His favorites are on Disney. (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Little Einsteins and Pooh)
This is him hanging out with Monkey one morning.When the "Hot Dog" song, which is at the end of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, comes on he has to stand up and dance. We HAVE TO get this on video, because it is too cute.
Then this is Little man hanging out like Dada does through the day. We often will not hear him making noise for a little bit of time in his playroom and then when we go to check on him, he is sitting at the computer, playing with the mouse and keyboard. He will have it all figured out very shortly.
Our GQ Model.
And Joe Cool. This picture is just too cute.
We had a great weekend and a great party!! We are very tired and ready for a little rest. I hope everyone has a great week!
Love the trike - watch out once he has figured out the feet part he will be smashing into everything - including your lower legs.
Love the pictures - keep them coming. Hugs and kisses to everyone.
All our love from New Jersey