The Circus
Our lives are definitely a circus. But, we actually went to the Shriner's Circus on Sunday night!! We took Nana, Moses and Elana and met Stella, Martin and Manual (Stella's Squeeze).
Chewing on a glowstick.
It was a lot of fun! Aiden is as scared of clowns as I am. I tried to not be scared and get a picture with him and a clown. One of the Shriners came up and said that if we stood together and set up the clown would just come in behind us and then he would take the picture for us. That made me feel a lot better, then I wouldn't have to see the clown either! I was fine until he touched my back, I could feel my skin crawling and I wanted to scream, but I stayed calm. Aiden kept looking around to see where the clown was, but we distracted him with the camera!!
Every time the clowns would come out and perform in the circus Aiden would climb up in Nana's lap and try to hide. I don't know why he is scared of them, I don't acted scared around him, mainly because I didn't want him to have fears just because I am scared of something. And, he hasn't been around clowns before, so I really don't know.
He loved the elephants, the motorcycles and anything that the other kids liked. If they danced or shook there hands, or yelled out, he did!! He watched the circus and them the whole time.
