Kid in a Toy Store
We had a wonderful weekend! Couldn't have been any better. Well, I guess it could have been a day or two more, and Robert got today off so it was for him. But, here I am "working" :)

Mommy on a Big Wheel
Robert decided that we must have gotten the wrong kind of stroller, because he loved climbing in and out of this one. But, how can you not love that kind of stroller, how fun is that!!

We got to spend some time with Elizabeth, Jeremy, Eddie. Then, we went to Jeremy and Angela's house and got to meet their new baby Dylan. We hadn't seen Jeremy and Angela in several years so it was nice to watch the UT game and catch up with them for a little while. While there we also got to see Sharon, Emillio and Junior! Emillio is getting so big and loves to smile.
In the afternoon we went to go and meet Gran. We toured her work and ate some lunch. Then we headed to the Roundrock Outlet Mall. YAY!!! While we were there, I got 2 coach purses, long story, my old purse was sent back to coach and they sent me a credit for it so I picked out a purse, they didn't have it, so I got another credit, so we decided that while we are in Austin we could go to the outlet mall. And I got 2 purses for the amount I spent on 1 purse. WOW!! I am excited can you tell? I wanted 3, but had to decide!!
Anyway, I got distracted, sorry. OK, so we also went to the toy store while we were there. So, that Aiden could pick out his early birthday present from Gran and Pawpaw. There way of shopping for him is to let him play with everything and then whatever he keeps going back to or won't let go of after about 30 mins to an hour is what he gets!! Great plan.
So, we walked around the toy store and he kept going back to play with the basketball goal, like the ones at the carnivals, and the foam swords. Gran decided on the basketball goal, because he would probably use the foam swords on the dogs. I am sure the dogs are quite grateful!
So, here are some pictures of our Saturday at the toy store!

Robert decided that we must have gotten the wrong kind of stroller, because he loved climbing in and out of this one. But, how can you not love that kind of stroller, how fun is that!!
Then, we went to Papaduex for dinner and here are some cute pictures of Aiden and I blowing on his hot french fries. I think he will be ready for some birthday candles this year!