Daddy's a Genius

Aiden normally sits in our bed at night and falls asleep watching a movie. He would be in and out of our room, the living room, Nana's room, all over the house until he finally crashed about 10:00pm. I know bad sleeping habits, set by no bedtime routine, etc. Robert had a thought on Friday night that has helped us out in the sleeping department.

Friday night he set up a TV that we had in the garage for over a year now and the DVD/VCR from our room in Aiden's room. I didn't like the idea of Aiden having a TV in his room. I really think he watches WAY too much TV during the day, but oh well. Well, it WORKS!!! Aiden comes and gets us around 6:30 or 7:00 and has us turn on a movie. Then, by 7:30 he's out. Can you believe that? Friday night he ended up in our bed around 2:00am. Then, Saturday he came to our bed around the same time, I took him back to his bed and Robert slept in the floor of his room until about 4:00am. Sunday night, he slept in his bed until 6:30am!!! Last night he moved to Nana's bed around midnight. But, it seems to be working.

So, even though I don't completely like the idea, It's working. So, yes Robert is a Genius!!!


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