
Nothing at the dentist today, well, I guess an hour and a half wait at the dentist does count for something. Robert got there a little late and then let them know that we have dental coverage for Aiden through our medical PPO. So, for the next hour and a half they spent the time waiting while the front desk staff tried to figure out the insurance stuff. After all that waiting they finally told Robert that this was the hold up. If he would have known that he would have probably said screw the insurance and just get me and my inpatient toddler back there, but they didn't offer that until both Robert and Aiden were DONE!!

So, he's been rescheduled to the 21st. We found out that they don't file claims to medical insurance so we would have to do that, which is fine, but don't make us wait and hour and a half to tell us that! Thanks. So, I am going to call the insurance company and figure out what the best way for us to submit our claims would be. I am also going to call my dentist and see if they file claims on medical insurance, and if so, then he will see them instead.

Make a long story short, No Dentist today, just an unhappy Dada and unhappy Aiden. :(

Robert has a lot going on and was probably sitting in the dentist lobby thinking about all the stuff he has to get done before 10:00am tomorrow (when he leaves for Japan).
Wish us luck over the next couple of weeks! We have Lisa's (Sheesa's) Bday this weekend, lots of fun...then The Race for the Cure on the 11th (we won't be racing, just walking, and Aiden will be riding for the cure!) , oh and Easter on the 12th (have to come up with a cute Easter basket and get to working on Easter egg stuff for the church) and then PANKUS weekend the 17th - 19th (Aiden's not going to this), so lots going on.

Then, somewhere we have to put in our garden, work, sleep, plan Camp Rosales, have a Camp Rosales garage sale and Camp Rosales training sessions. Wow, I better get busy, maybe I could quit my job to get all this stuff done...hehe not very likely.


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