20 Weeks

1/2 way! YAY!!!

Every thing's been pretty good over the past couple of weeks, knock on wood. I've still been nauseous off and on, but only taking my anti-nausea meds about 1-2 times a week when it gets really bad, so that's seems to be better. I even helped with our new garden and trimmed the bushes in our front yard on Sunday. That's one of my favorite gardening things, probably because I have an electric trimmer and that makes it lots of fun!! But, clean up still stinks, I don't like that part.

Sleeping is ok...Well, except for when the smoke detector decides to go off (because of low battery) at Midnight one night and then 3:30am the next. :( Seriously, what the hell?!? Sunday night it started the chirping sound at 11:45pm. I am a light sleeper so it woke me up immediately. I woke Robert up, because in my sleepy daze I couldn't figure out what the sound was, then I thought back to my Resident Advisor days and remembered quickly what the sound was. Then, I remembered I was a bad homemaker and didn't change out the batteries at Day Light Savings...BLAH. So, I looked in the junk draw, no 9V batteries. Hum, so I took the battery from the detector in our bedroom and put it in the beeping detector, it still beeped. So, at 12:00am I went to Walmart, in a sleepy stooper and bought 9V batteries.

I got back around 12:20, put the new battery in and it STILL BEEPED!!! So, I told Robert, "I'm Done." you have to look at it and he fumbled out of bed and climbed the step stool to see if he could fix it. Well, the darn thing is hard-wired and evidently that's where the problem was. Robert took out the battery and unplugged the hard-wire. The thing was STILL BEEPING...I am guessing from residual power, but it is still kinda creepy. So, he then, put in the new battery and plugged it back in and no more beeping!! YAY.

Then, this morning at 3:30am, MORE BEEPING. Robert got up this time and unplugged it and took out the battery...Still beeping. So, I put it on the front porch. I almost threw it out the door, but, decided not to. So, then it was the dogs problem.

Other then that, I've been sleeping rather well, other then tossing and turning all night, which is pretty normal for me anyway.

So, now that I've told that LONG story, here's what 20 weeks is all about...Bananas!

Again from Babycenter...

"You're at the halfway mark — congratulations! Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. (The way your baby is measured changes now.) He's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system. He's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper (although some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery)."


NJ Grandma said…
20 weeks - the time is flying by - at least for me it is :) A banana - that is a cute visual! Sorry to hear about all the smoke alarms going off - that scares me a bit - what if they really need to go off and they don't :( But that is just me. Have a good week - hugs and kisses to my boys.
Love from New Jersey

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