More on sleeping
This past weekend I spent most of my time, when not partying with Lisa for her big b-day, trying to run my kid into the ground so he would sleep.
Friday night he spent the night at Gran and Pawpaw's house and was asleep at around 9:30pm.
Saturday we had a crazy busy day and he only took a 30 minute nap in the car in the morning. Lisa and Brandon brought over dinner and I gave Aiden a bath and put him in his PJs and put on a movie. By the time we were ready to leave for the Improv comedy club he was out. 7:15pm he's out...of course on a night that I will be out and not at home trying to sleep. But, good, at least he was out. And he slept until 8:00am Sunday. Wow.

Yesterday it was a little colder outside, but I still tried to wear him out. He didn't take a nap, at all, yesterday and we spent the whole day running around the house and the back yard. We had dinner with Brandon last night, I gave him a bath and then put him to bed and he was out at 8:30pm. Wow, I really can't believe it.
Today it is pretty cold outside so I know that Nana and Aiden are just going to sit at home all day. I might have to take him to the mall tonight or something to wear him out again.
The only thing is, wearing him out really wears me out. I was in bed asleep by 9:30 or 10:00 last night, super tired.